Dorm Cleaner

A proud member of Gen Z got fired from their previous job as a burger maker at a super capitalistic firm for over exercising their right for free speech. 

They decided to never again play the menial role of filling the pockets of a capitalist and instead start a venture of their own.

"But how exactly to do that..." they thought, wandering the halls of their dorm, one from which they would soon have to vacate should they fail to secure an income.

A loud noise interrupted their internal ponder as a door creaked open slightly, revealing a flustered Nerd hurrying about the room, stuffing trash and items of questionable morality into any crevice which would fit them. 

"Do you need any help?" the Gen Z person asked from the Nerd.
"Please, I have an exam I have to take to pay my bills, but a Girl promised to come by right after it and I think my room is not ready! A GIRL!!! I will pay you, but please.. Help!!"

The woke Gen Z person did not need to hear more, for a plan had finally come to them in the midst of their internal yoga.

They will start a business.

A Dorm Cleaning venture! 

Dorm Cleaner is a click and drag story based arcade style game following the venture of a brave Gen Z individual helping their fellow dorm inhabitants clear their rooms from various contraband in time.

The game is hand drawn on paper to keep an aroma of nostalgia and help the creator Gen Z human stay sane by taking them out of the virtual into the reality.